IEEEIEEE computer societyIEEE vgtc

ISMAR 2025 - Daejeon, South Korea

ISMAR 2025 - Daejeon, South Korea

The ISMAR 2025 symposium will be held in Daejeon, South Korea.

Dates: Oct 08 - Oct 12 2025.

General Chairs
Woontack Woo,
Woontack Woo, KAIST, South Korea
Joing-il Park
Joing-il Park Hanyang University, South Korea
Dr. Arindam Dey
Dr. Arindam Dey Facebook, United States

ISMAR 2024 - Greater Seattle Area, United States

ISMAR 2024 - Greater Seattle Area, United States

The ISMAR 2024 symposium was held in Greater Seattle Area, United States.

Dates: Oct 21 - Oct 25 2024.

  • Attendees
  • Number of Submissions
  • Accepted Journal Papers
  • Accepted Conference Papers

General Chairs
Dr. Arindam Dey
Dr. Arindam Dey Facebook, United States
Prof. Walterio Mayol-Cuevas
Prof. Walterio Mayol-Cuevas Amazon, United States
Jeffrey Powers
Jeffrey Powers Arcturus Industries, United States
Honorary General Chair
Dr. David Mizell
Dr. David Mizell USA
S&T Program Chairs
Ulrich Eck
Ulrich Eck TU Munich, Munich, Germany
Misha Sra
Misha Sra UC Santa Barbara, USA
Jeanine Stefanucci
Jeanine Stefanucci University of Utah, USA
Maki Sugimoto
Maki Sugimoto Keio University, Japan
Markus Tatzgern
Markus Tatzgern Salzburg University of Applied Sciences, Austria
Ian Williams
Ian Williams Birmingham City University, UK


ISMAR 2024 Career Impact Award Recipient: Nassir Navab
ISMAR 2024 Career Impact Award Recipient: Gudrun Klinker
ISMAR 2024 Paper Impact Award Mobile Augmented Reality for Cultural Heritage: A Technology Acceptance Study, ISMAR 2012, pp. 247-255, 2012. IEEE. Recipient: Anne-Cecilie Haugstvedt & John Krogstie
ISMAR 2024 Best Student Journal Paper VPRF: Visual Perceptual Radiance Fields for Foveated Image Synthesis. In 2024 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality. IEEE. Recipient: Wang, Z., Wu, J., Fan, R., Ke, W., & Wang, L.
ISMAR 2024 Best Student Journal Paper The Effects of Depth of Knowledge of a Virtual Agent. In 2024 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality. IEEE. Recipient: Yang, F., Duque , K., & Mousas, C.
Honorable Mention for ISMAR 2024 Best Journal Paper Should I Evaluate my Augmented Reality System in an Industrial Environment? Investigating the Effects of Classroom and Shop Floor Settings on Guided Assembly. In 2024 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality. IEEE. Recipient: Zhang, V., Albers, A., Saeedi-Givi, C., Kristensson, P.O., Bohn, T., & Tadeja, S.
ISMAR 2024 Best Journal Paper HOIMotion: Forecasting Human Motion During Human-Object Interactions Using Egocentric 3D Object Bounding Boxes. In 2024 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality. IEEE. Recipient: Hu, Z., Yin, Z., Haeufle, D., Schmitt, S., & Bulling, A.
Honorable Mention for ISMAR 2024 Best Student Conference Paper Do you read me? (E)motion Legibility of Virtual Reality Character Representations. In 2024 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality. IEEE. Recipient: Brandstatter, K., Congdon, B., & Steed, A.
Honorable Mention for ISMAR 2024 Best Student Conference Paper XR Prototyping of Mixed Reality Visualizations: Compensating Interaction Latency for a Medical Imaging Robot. In 2024 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality. IEEE. Recipient: Plümer, J. H., Yu, K., Eck, U., Kalkofen, D., Steininger, P., Navab, N., & Tatzgern, M.
ISMAR 2024 Best Student Conference Paper XaiR: An XR Platform that Integrates Large Language Models with the Physical World. In 2024 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality. IEEE. Recipient: Srinidhi, S., Schott, E., Lu, E., & Rowe, A.
Honorable Mention for ISMAR 2024 Best Conference Paper Speaking with Objects: Conversational Agents’ Embodiment in Virtual Museums. In 2024 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality. IEEE. Recipient: López García, I., Schott, E., Gohsen, M., Bernhard, V., Stein, B., & Froehlich, B.
ISMAR 2024 Best Conference Paper Spatial Affordance-aware Interactable Subspace Allocation for Mixed Reality Telepresence. In 2024 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality. IEEE. Recipient: Kim, D., Kim, S., Choi, S., & Woo, W.


Hrvoje Benko Meta Reality Labs Research , US Title: Beyond Words: Improving Interactions for AI-Assisted AR
    Maud Marchal University of Rennes, INSA , France Title: Exploring novel haptic modalities within mixed environments

      ISMAR 2023 - Sydney, Australia

      ISMAR 2023 - Australia, Sydney

      The ISMAR 2023 symposium was held in Australia, Sydney.

      Dates: Oct 16 - Oct 20 2023.

      • Attendees
      • Number of Submissions
      • Accepted Journal Papers
      • Accepted Conference Papers

      General Chairs
      Dr. Barrett Ens
      Dr. Barrett Ens Monash University, Australia
      Dr. Gelareh Mohammadi
      Dr. Gelareh Mohammadi University of New South Wales, Australia
      Dr. Denis Kalkofen
      Dr. Denis Kalkofen Flinders University, Australia
      Prof. Frank Guan
      Prof. Frank Guan Singapore Institute of Technology, Singapore
      Journal Paper S&T Program Chairs
      Prof. Joe Gabbard
      Prof. Joe Gabbard Virginia Tech, USA
      Prof. Michele Fiorentino
      Prof. Michele Fiorentino Politecnico di Bari, Italy
      Prof. Guilame Moreau
      Prof. Guilame Moreau IMT Atlantique, France
      Dr. Gun Lee
      Dr. Gun Lee University of South Australia, Australia
      Conference Paper S&T Program Chairs
      Jens Grubert
      Jens Grubert Coburg University, Germany
      Andrew Cunningham
      Andrew Cunningham University of South Australia, Australia
      Evan Peng
      Evan Peng University of Hong Kong, China
      Gerd Bruder
      Gerd Bruder University of Central Florida, USA
      Anne-Helene Olivier
      Anne-Helene Olivier University of Rennes 2 - Inria, France
      Ian WILLIAMS
      Ian WILLIAMS Birmingham City University, UK


      ISMAR 2023 Career Impact Award Recipient: Kato, Hirokazo
      ISMAR Paper Impact Award Experiences with handheld augmented reality. In 2007 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (pp. 3-18). IEEE. Recipients: Schmalstieg, D., and Wagner, D.
      Best IEEE ISMAR 2023 Journal Paper Award Understanding Effects of Visual Feedback Delay in AR on Fine Motor Surgical Tasks Recipients: Talha Khan, Toby S. Zhu, Thomas Downes, Lucille Cheng, Nicolás M. Kass, Edward G. Andrews, and Jacob T. Biehl
      Best IEEE ISMAR 2023 Journal Paper Award Multi-layer Scene Representation from Composed Focal Stacks Recipients: Reina Ishikawa, Hideo Saito, Denis Kalkofen, and Shohei Mori
      Best IEEE ISMAR 2023 Conference Paper Award Point & Portal: A New Action at a Distance Technique For Virtual Reality Recipients: Daniel Ablett, Andrew Cunningham, Gun A. Lee, and Bruce H. Thomas
      Honorable Mention for Best IEEE ISMAR 2023 Conference Paper Enhancing Seamless Walking in Virtual Reality: Application of Bone-Conduction Vibration in Redirected Walking Recipients: Seokhyun Hwang, YoungIn Kim, Youngseok Seo, and SeungJun Kim
      Best IEEE ISMAR 2023 Poster Award Are You Aroused Enough to See the Difference? The Role of Physiological Arousal in Perceiving Realism of Virtual Scene Recipients: Natalia Lipp, Paweł Strojny, Agnieszka Strojny, Sławomir Śpiewak, Jan K Argasiński, and Przemysław Korzeniowski
      Honorable Mention for Best IEEE ISMAR 2023 Poster Award Interactive Registration Methods for Augmented Reality in Robotics: A Comparative Evaluation Recipients: Tonia Mielke, Fabian Joeres, Danny Schott, and Christian Hansen
      Best IEEE ISMAR 2023 Demo Award Hybrid Cross Reality Collaborative System Recipients: Hyunwoo Cho, Eunhee Chang, Zhuang Chang, Jiashuo Cao, Bowen Yuan, Jonathon D Hart, Gun A. Lee, Thammathip Piumsomboon, and Mark Billinghurst
      Honorable Mention for Best IEEE ISMAR 2023 Demo Award InstantCopresence: A Spatial Anchor Sharing Methodology for Co-located Multiplayer Handheld and Headworn AR Recipients: Botao Hu, Yuchen Zhang, Sizheng Hao, and Yilan Tao
      Best IEEE ISMAR 2023 Doctoral Consortium Presentation How Do Users with Autism Perceive Certain VR Interaction Techniques? An Experience Evaluation through Brainwave Measurement Recipient: Aulia Hening Darmasti
      Honorable Mention for Best IEEE ISMAR 2023 Doctoral Consortium Presentation Investigating Avatars’ Impact on Shopper’s Perception and Behaviour in an Immersive Virtual Store Recipient: Yinshu Zhao
      Best IEEE ISMAR 2023 Design at Student Competition Time Travellers: An Asynchronous Cross Reality Collaborative System Recipients: Hyunwoo Cho, Bowen Yuan, Jonathan Derek Hart, Zhuang Chang, and Jiashuo Cao
      Honorable Mention for Best IEEE ISMAR 2023 Design at Student Competition RealityGit: Cross Reality Version Control of R&D Optical Workbench Recipients: Ke Li and Tim Rolff
      Honorable Mention for Best IEEE ISMAR 2023 Design at Student Competition Reviving Euston Arch: A Mixed Reality Approach to Cultural Heritage Tours Recipients: Ziwen Lu, Jingyi Zhang, Kalila Shapiro, and Nels Numan


      Gudrun Klinker Technical University of Munich , Germany Title: UI 4.0 – Synergetic Effects between Mixed Reality and Games
        Bruce Hunter Thomas University of South Australia , Australia Title: User Interfaces for AR: The Last Frontier – Us(ers)
          Alvin Wang Graylin HTC , China Title: The Benefits of Immersive Education for Humanoid and Digital Lifeforms

            ISMAR 2022 - Singapore, Singapore

            ISMAR 2022 - Singapore, Singapore

            The ISMAR 2022 symposium was held in Singapore, Singapore.

            Dates: Oct 17 - Oct 21 2022.

            • Attendees
            • Number of Submissions
            • Accepted Journal Papers
            • Accepted Conference Papers

            General Chairs
            Prof. Frank GUAN
            Prof. Frank GUAN Singapore Institute of Technology, Singapore
            Prof. Yiyu CAI
            Prof. Yiyu CAI Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
            Prof. Michele FIORENTINO
            Prof. Michele FIORENTINO Politecnico di Bari, Italy
            Journal Paper S&T Program Chairs
            Guilame MOREAU
            Guilame MOREAU IMT Atlantique, France
            Prof. Joe GABBARD
            Prof. Joe GABBARD Virginia Tech, USA
            Lily WANG
            Lily WANG Beihang University, China
            Daisuke IWAI
            Daisuke IWAI Osaka University, Japan
            Conference Paper S&T Program Chairs
            Henry DUH
            Henry DUH La Trobe University, Australia
            Jens GRUBERT
            Jens GRUBERT Coburg University, Germany
            Jianmin ZHENG
            Jianmin ZHENG Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
            Ian WILLIAMS
            Ian WILLIAMS Birmingham City University, UK
            Adam JONES
            Adam JONES Mississippi State University, USA


            ISMAR Paper Impact Award Perceptual issues in augmented reality revisited. In 2010 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (pp. 3-12). IEEE. Recipients: Kruijff, E., Swan, J. E., and Feiner, S
            ISMAR Paper Impact Award Going out: robust model-based tracking for outdoor augmented reality. In 2006 IEEE/ACM international symposium on mixed and augmented reality (pp. 109-118). IEEE. Recipients: Reitmayr, G., and Drummond, T. W.
            Best IEEE ISMAR 2022 Journal Paper Award FoV-NeRF: Foveated Neural Radiance Fields for Virtual Reality Recipients: Nianchen Deng, Zhenyi He, Jiannan Ye, Budmonde Duinkharjav, Praneeth Chakravarthula, Xubo Yang, and Qi Sun
            Honorable Mention for Best IEEE ISMAR 2022 Journal Paper Content-Aware Brightness Solving and Error Mitigation in Large-Scale Multi-Projection Mapping Recipients: Philipp Kurth, Markus Leuschner, Marc Stamminger, and Frank Bauer
            Best IEEE ISMAR 2022 Conference Paper Award Evaluating the Object-Centered User Interface in Head-Worn Mixed Reality Environment Recipients: Yihan Li, Yong Hu, Zidan Wang, and Xukun Shen
            Honorable Mention for Best IEEE ISMAR 2022 Conference Paper Exploring the Impact of Visual Information on Intermittent Typing in Virtual Reality. Recipient: Alexander Giovannelli, Lee Lisle, Doug A. Bowman
            Best IEEE ISMAR 2022 Poster Award Dynamically Controlling Spatial Taste Location by Extraoral Galvanic Taste Stimulation. Recipients: So Tanaka, Takuji Narumi, Hiromi Nakamura, Tomohiro Amemiya, Hideaki Kuzuoka, and Kazuma Aoyama
            Best IEEE ISMAR 2022 Demo Award CADET: A Collaborative Agile Data Exploration Tool for Mixed Reality Recipients: Jeremy McDade, Adam Drogemuller, Allison Jing, Nick R Ireland, James A Walsh, Bruce H Thomas, Wolfgang Mayer, and Andrew Cunningham


            Henry Fuchs University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill , USA Title: All-day Augmented Reality Glasses: Promises and Problems
              Marc Pollefeys ETH Zurich , Switzerland Title: Towards the Industrial Metaverse

                ISMAR 2021 - Bari, Italy

                ISMAR 2021 - Bari (Virtual), Italy

                The ISMAR 2021 symposium was held in Bari (Virtual), Italy.

                Dates: Oct 04 - Oct 08 2021.

                • Attendees
                • Number of Submissions
                • Accepted Journal Papers
                • Accepted Conference Papers

                General Chairs
                Prof. Joe Gabbard
                Prof. Joe Gabbard Virginia Tech, USA
                Prof. Michele Fiorentino
                Prof. Michele Fiorentino Politecnico di Bari, Italy
                Prof. Antonello Uva
                Prof. Antonello Uva Politecnico di Bari, Italy
                Prof. Veronica Teichrieb
                Prof. Veronica Teichrieb Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Brazil
                Journal Paper S&T Program Chairs
                Daisuke Iwai
                Daisuke Iwai Osaka University, Japan
                Denis Kalkofen
                Denis Kalkofen Technische Universität Graz, Austria
                Guilame Moreau
                Guilame Moreau IMT Atlantique, France
                Tabitha Peck
                Tabitha Peck Davidson College, USA
                Conference Paper S&T Program Chairs
                Maud Marchal
                Maud Marchal Institut de Recherche en Informatique et Systèmes Aléatoires, France
                Anne Helene Olivier
                Anne Helene Olivier Renne2 University, France
                Rafael Radowski
                Rafael Radowski Iowa State University, USA
                Jonathan Ventura
                Jonathan Ventura California Polytechnic State University, USA
                Lily Wang
                Lily Wang Beihang University, China


                ISMAR 2021 Career Impact Award Recipient: Doug A. Bowman, Director of the Center for Human-Computer Interaction at Virginia Tech
                ISMAR 2021 Impact Paper Award Kinectfusion: Real-time Dense Surface Mapping and Tracking Recipients: Richard A. Newcombe, Shahram Izadi, Otmar Hilliges, David Molyneaux, David Kim, Andrew J. Davison, Pushmeet Kohi, Jamie Shotton, Steve Hodges, and Andrew Fitzgibbon
                Best Journal Paper Award Multifocal Stereoscopic Projection Mapping Recipients: Sorashi Kimura, Daisuke Iwai, Parinya Punpongsanon, and Kosuke Sato
                Journal Paper Honorable Mention Redirected Walking in Static and Dynamic Scenes Using Visibility Polygons Recipients: Niall L. Williams, Aniket Bera, and Dinesh Manocha
                Best Student-Led Journal Paper Head Mounted Displays with Increased Downward Field of View Improve Presence and Sense of Self-Location Recipients: Kizashi Nakano, Naoya Isoyama, Diego Monteiro, Nobuchika Sakata, Kiyoshi Kiyokawa, and Takuji Narumi
                Best Conference Paper Neural Cameras: Learning Camera Characteristics for Coherent Mixed Reality Rendering Recipients: David Mandl, Peter Mohr, Tobias Langlotz, Christoph Ebner, Shohei Mori, Stefanie Zollmann, Peter M. Roth, and Denis Kalkofen
                Conference Paper Honorable Mention Redirected Walking Using Noisy Galvanic Vestibular Stimulation Recipients: Keigo Matsumoto, Kazuma Aoyama, Narumi Takuji, and Hideaki Kuzuoka
                Best Student-Led Conference Paper AlterEcho: Loose Avatar-Streamer Coupling for Expressive VTubing Recipients: Man To Tang, Victor Long Zhu, and Voicu Popescu
                Best Poster Award Exploring and Slicing Volumetric Medical Data in Augmented Reality Using a Spatially-Aware Mobile Device Recipients: Weizhou Luo, Eva Goebel, Patrick Reipschläger, Mats Ellenberg, and Raimund Dachselt
                Best Contest Entry Hybrid Conference Experiences in the ARENA Recipients: Nuno Pereira, Anthony Rowe, Michael W Farb, Ivan Liang, Edward Lu, and Eric Riebling
                Contest Honorable Mention The Owl: Immersive Telepresence Communication for Hybrid Conferences Recipients: Redouane Kachach, Sandra Morcuende, Diego González Morín, Pablo Perez, Ester Gonzalez-Sosa, Francisco Pereira, and Alvaro Villegas
                Best Demo Augmented Reality for Subsurface Utility Engineering, Revisited Recipients: Lasse H. Hansen, Philipp Fleck, Marco Stranner, Dieter Schmalstieg, and Clemens Arth
                Demo Honorable Mention Exploring and Slicing Volumetric Medical Data in Augmented Reality Using a Spatially-Aware Mobile Device Recipients: Weizhou Luo, Eva Goebel, Patrick Reipschlager, Mats Ole Ellenberg, and Raimund Dachselt


                Mar Gonzalez-Franco Microsoft Research , USA Title: Metaverse From Fiction to Reality and the Research Behind It
                  Domenico Prattichizzo University of Siena , Italy Title: Wearable Haptics for Virtual and Augmented Reality
                    Doug A. Bowman Virginia Tech , USA Title: User Experience Considerations for Everyday Augmented Reality

                      ISMAR 2020 - Porto De Galinhas, Brasil

                      ISMAR 2020 - Recife/Porto De Galinhas (Virtual), Brasil

                      The ISMAR 2020 symposium was held in Recife/Porto De Galinhas (Virtual), Brasil.

                      Dates: Nov 09 - Nov 13 2020.

                      • Attendees
                      • Number of Submissions
                      • Accepted Journal Papers
                      • Accepted Conference Papers

                      General Chairs
                      Prof. Veronica Teichrieb
                      Prof. Veronica Teichrieb Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Brazil
                      Prof. Henry Duh
                      Prof. Henry Duh La Trobe University, Australia
                      João Paulo Lima
                      João Paulo Lima Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco, Brasil
                      Francisco Simões
                      Francisco Simões Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco, Brasil
                      Science and Technology Chairs
                      Shimin Hu
                      Shimin Hu Tsinghua University, China
                      Denis Kalkhofen
                      Denis Kalkhofen Technische Universität Graz, Austria
                      Jonathan Ventura
                      Jonathan Ventura California Polytechnic State University, USA
                      Stefanie Zollmann
                      Stefanie Zollmann University of Otago, New Zealand


                      Career Impact Award Recipient: Prof. Dieter Schmalstieg, Technical University of Graz
                      Dieter Schmalstieg has had a profound influence on our field, and is most deserving of the ISMAR Career Impact Award.
                      Best Paper Award Mobile3DRecon: Real-time Monocular 3D Reconstruction on a Mobile Phone Recipients: Xingbin Yang, Liyang Zhou, Hanqing Jiang, Zhongliang Tang, Yuanbo Wang, Hujun Bao, and Guofeng Zhang (Sensetime Research / Zhejiang University)
                      Best Paper Honorable Mention Award Spatial Presence, Performance, and Behavior between Real, Remote, and Virtual Immersive Environments Recipients: Nawel Khenak, Jeanne Vézien, and Patrick Bourdot (Université Paris-Saclay)
                      Best Poster Award A Virtual Morris Water Maze to Study Neurodegenarative Disorders Recipients: Daniel Roth, Christian Felix Purps, and Wolf-Julian Neumann (TU-Munich, University of Würzburg, Charité Berlin)
                      Best Poster Honorable Mention Award Evaluate Optimal Redirected Walking Planning Using Reinforcement Learning Recipients: Ko Tsai-Yen, Su Li-Wen, Chang Yuchen, Keigo Matsumoto, Takuji Narumi, and Michitaka Hirose (National Cheng Kung University, National Taiwan University, The University of Tokyo)
                      Best Demo Award RetroActivity: Rapidly Deployable Live Task Guidance Experiences Recipients: Andrey Konin, Shahram Najam Syed, Shakeeb Siddiqui, Sateesh Kumar, Quoc-Huy Tran, and M. Zeeshan Zia (Retrocausal Inc.)
                      Best Presentation Award at Doctoral Consortium Supporting Emergency Medical Services with Head-Worn Displays Recipient: Paul Schlosser (The University of Queensland)


                      Paul Debevec Google Research and USC Institute for Creative Technologies , USA Title: Shining Light between Real and Virtual Worlds
                        Ramesh Rakar MIT Media Lab , USA Title: Augmented Surgeons and ‘Anatome’: AI & AR for IA
                          Yvonne Rogers University College London , UK Title: Augmenting Cognition

                            ISMAR 2019 - Beijing, China

                            ISMAR 2019 - Beijing, China

                            The ISMAR 2019 symposium was held in Beijing, China.

                            Dates: Oct 14 - Oct 18 2019.

                            • Attendees
                            • Number of Submissions
                            • Accepted Journal Papers
                            • Accepted Conference Papers

                            General Chairs
                            Qinping Zhao
                            Qinping Zhao Beihang University, China
                            Yongtian Wang
                            Yongtian Wang Beijing Institute of Technology, China
                            Henry BL Duh
                            Henry BL Duh La Trode University, Australia
                            S&T Program Chairs
                            Shimin Hu
                            Shimin Hu Tsinghua University, China
                            Joseph L. Gabbard
                            Joseph L. Gabbard Virginia Tech, US
                            Jens Grubert
                            Jens Grubert Coburg University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Germany
                            Stefanie Zollmann
                            Stefanie Zollmann University of Otago, New Zealand


                            Career Impact Award Recipient: Prof. Mark Billinghurst, University of South Australia
                            Mark Billinghurst has had a profound influence on our field, and is most deserving of the ISMAR Career Impact Award.
                            Best Impact Paper Award Recipients: Henderson, S. J., and Feiner, S.
                            for the paper "Evaluating the benefits of augmented reality for task localization in maintenance of an armored personnel carrier turret."
                            Best Paper Award ReconViguRation: Reconfiguring Physical Keyboards in Virtual Reality Recipients: Daniel Schneider, Alexander Otte, Travis Gesslein, Philipp Gagel, Bastian Kuth, Mohamad Shahm Damlakhi, Oliver Dietz, Eyal Ofek, Michel Pahud, Per Ola Kristensson, Jörg Müller, and Jens Grubert
                            Best Paper Honorable Mention Award Animated Stickies: Fast Video Projection Mapping onto a Markerless Plane through a Direct Closed-Loop Alignment Recipients: Shingo Kagami and Koichi Hashimoto
                            Best Poster Award Compact Light Field Augmented Reality Display with Eliminated Stray Light Using Discrete Structures Recipients: Cheng Yao, Yue Liu, Dewen Cheng, and Yongtian Wang
                            Best Presentation Award at Doctoral Consortium Social Perception of Pedestrians and Virtual Agents Using Movement Features Recipient: Tanmay Randhavane


                            First Place of the VISLAM Challenge Recipient(s): Shaozu Cao, Jie Pan, Jieqi Shi, and Shaojie Shen, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
                            First Place of the VISLAM Challenge Recipient(s): Zike Yan, Pijian Sun, Xin Wang, Shunkai Li, Sheng Zhang, and Hongbin Zha, Peking University
                            Second Place of the VISLAM Challenge Recipient(s): Xinyu Wei, Zengming Tang, Huiyan Wu, and Jun Huang, Shanghai Advanced Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences
                            Second Place of the VISLAM Challenge Recipient(s): Darius Rueckert, University of Erlangen-Nuernberg
                            Third Place of the VISLAM Challenge Recipient(s): Jianhua Zhang, Shengyong Chen, Mengping Gui, Jialing Liu, Luzhen Ma, and Kaiqi Chen, Zhejiang University of Technology
                            Third Place of the VISLAM Challenge Recipient(s): Neo Yuan Rong Dexter, and Toh Yu Heng, Pensees


                            Wen Gao Peking University , China Title: AVS3 -- A New Generation of Video Coding Standard for Super High Vision and VR/AR
                              Xiaoou Tang SenseTime , China Title: AI + AR: Magic in the AIR
                                Dieter Schmalstieg TU Graz , Austria Title: A Research Agenda for Situated Visualization

                                  ISMAR 2018 - Munich, Germany

                                  ISMAR 2018 - Munich, Germany

                                  The ISMAR 2018 symposium was held in Munich, Germany.

                                  Dates: Oct 16 - Oct 20 2018.

                                  • Attendees
                                  • Number of Submissions
                                  • Accepted Journal Papers
                                  • Accepted Conference Papers

                                  General Chairs
                                  Ulrich Eck
                                  Ulrich Eck TU Munich, Germany
                                  Ottmar Hilliges
                                  Ottmar Hilliges ETH Zurich, Switzerland
                                  S&T Program Chairs
                                  David Chu
                                  David Chu Google, US
                                  Joseph L. Gabbard
                                  Joseph L. Gabbard Virginia Tech, US
                                  Jens Grubert
                                  Jens Grubert Coburg University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Germany
                                  Holger Regenbrecht
                                  Holger Regenbrecht University of Otago, New Zealand


                                  Career Impact Award Recipient: Prof. Henry Fuchs, UNC Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
                                  Henry Fuchs has had a profound influence on our field, and is most deserving of the ISMAR Career Impact Award.
                                  Impact Paper Award Recipients: Wagner, Daniel and Reitmayr, Gerhard and Mulloni, Alessandro and Drummond, Tom and Schmalstieg, Dieter
                                  for the paper "Pose tracking from natural features on mobile phones"
                                  Best Paper Award FocusAR: Auto-focus Augmented Reality Eyeglasses for both Real and Virtual Recipients: Chakravarthula, Praneeth and Dunn, David and Aksit, Kaan and Fuchs, Henry
                                  Best Paper Honorable Mention Augmented Reality Interface Design Approaches for Goal-directed and Stimulus-driven Driving Tasks Recipients: Merenda, Coleman J and Kim, Hyungil and Tanous, Kyle and Gabbard, Joseph L. and Feichtl, Blake and Suga, Chihiro and Misu, Teruhisa
                                  Best Poster Award CNN-MonoFusion: Online Monocular Dense Reconstruction using Learned Depth from Single View Recipients: Wang, Jiafang and Liu, Haiwei and Cong, Lin and Xiahou, Zuoxin and Wang, Liming
                                  Best Demo Award A Low-Latency, High-Precision Handheld Perspective Corrected Display Recipients: Berard, Francois and Louis, Thibault


                                  Henry Fuchs University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill , USA Title: The XR Future - the coming utopia or a gamer's plaything
                                  Hrvoje Benko Oculus Research , USA Title: The Future of AR Interactions

                                  ISMAR 2017 - Nantes, France

                                  ISMAR 2017 - Nantes, France

                                  The ISMAR 2017 symposium was held in Nantes, France.

                                  Dates: Oct 09 - Oct 13 2017.

                                  • Attendees
                                  • Number of Submissions
                                  • Accepted Journal Papers
                                  • Accepted Conference Papers

                                  General Chairs
                                  Guillaume Moreau
                                  Guillaume Moreau
                                  Anatole Lecuyer
                                  Anatole Lecuyer
                                  Deputy General Chairs
                                  Jean-Marie Normand
                                  Jean-Marie Normand
                                  Myriam Servieres
                                  Myriam Servieres
                                  S&T Program Chairs
                                  Wolfgang Broll
                                  Wolfgang Broll
                                  Holger Regenbrecht
                                  Holger Regenbrecht
                                  J Edward Swan
                                  J Edward Swan


                                  Career Impact Award Recipient: Prof. Steve K. Feiner, Columbia University
                                  for significant impact over his career to the ISMAR community.
                                  Impact Paper Award Recipients: Georg Klein (Microsoft) and David Murray (University of Oxford)
                                  for the paper "Parallel Tracking and mapping for small AR workspaces"
                                  Best Paper Award SonifEye: Sonification of Visual Information using Physical Modeling Sound Synthesis Recipients: Hessam Roodaki, Navid Navab, Abouzar Eslami, Christopher Stapleton, and Nassir Navab
                                  Best Poster Award Augmented Things: Enhancing AR Applications leveraging the Internet of Things and Universal 3D Object Tracking Recipients: Jason Rambach, Alain Pagani, and Didier Stricker
                                  Best Demo Award 6D Object Pose Estimation with Depth Images: A Seamless Approach for Robotic Interaction and Augmented Reality Recipients: David Joseph Tan, Nassir Navab, and Federico Tombari


                                  Georg Klein Microsoft Corporation , USA Title: Registration on Hololens
                                    Marie-Odile Berger Inria Nancy Grand Est , France Title: Pose estimation for effective AR tasks

                                      ISMAR 2016 - Merida, Mexico

                                      ISMAR 2016 - Merida, Mexico

                                      The ISMAR 2016 symposium was held in Merida, Mexico.

                                      Dates: Sep 19 - Sep 23 2016.

                                      • Attendees
                                      • Number of Submissions
                                      • Accepted Journal Papers
                                      • Accepted Conference Papers

                                      General Chairs
                                      Walterio Mayol-Cuevas
                                      Walterio Mayol-Cuevas
                                      Deputy General Chairs
                                      Anabel Martin-Gonzalez
                                      Anabel Martin-Gonzalez
                                      Erick Mendez
                                      Erick Mendez
                                      Flavio Vigueras-Gomez
                                      Flavio Vigueras-Gomez
                                      S&T Program Chairs
                                      Wolfgang Broll
                                      Wolfgang Broll
                                      Hideo Saito
                                      Hideo Saito
                                      J Edward Swan
                                      J Edward Swan


                                      Long Lasting Impact Award Recipient: Prof. Hideyuki Tamura
                                      Long Lasting Impact Papers Award Spatially augmented reality (IWAR98) Recipients: Ramesh Raskar, Greg Welch, and Henry Fuchs
                                      Long Lasting Impact Papers Award Dynamic shader lamps: Painting on movable objects (ISAR2001) Recipients: Deepak Bandyopadhyay, Ramesh Raskar, and Henry Fuchs
                                      Best Paper Award Towards Kilo-Hertz 6-DoF Visual Tracking Using an Egocentric Cluster of Rolling Shutter Cameras Recipients: Akash Bapat, Enrique Dunn, and Jan-Michael Frahm
                                      Best Paper Runner Up Gaussian Light Field: Estimation of Viewpoint-Dependent Blur for Optical See-Through Head-Mounted Displays Recipients: Yuta Itoh, Toshiyuki Amano, Daisuke Iwai, and Gudrun Klinker
                                      Best Demo Award EyeAR: Refocusable Augmented Reality Content through Eye Measurements Recipients: Damien Constantine Rompapas, Aitor Rovira, Sei Ikeday, Alexander Plopski, Takafumi Taketomi, Christian Sandor, and Hirokazu Kato


                                      Andrew Davison Imperial College London , UK Title: The History and Future of Visual SLAM
                                        Steven Feiner Columbia University , USA Title: Mixing It Up, Mixing It Down