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ISMAR 2005 - Vienna, Austria

ISMAR 2005 - Vienna, Austria

The ISMAR 2005 symposium was held in Vienna, Austria.

Dates: Oct 22 - Oct 25 2005.

  • Number of Submissions
  • Accepted Conference Papers

General Chairs
Nassir Navab
Nassir Navab
Wolfgang Birkfellner
Wolfgang Birkfellner
S&T Program Chairs
Ronald Azuma
Ronald Azuma
Oliver Bimber
Oliver Bimber
Kosuke Sato
Kosuke Sato


Best Paper Award
Best Student Paper Award
Honourable Mention Award


Eric Badiqué, European Commission , EU Title: Mixed Reality Research: The European Dimension
    Christopher Stapleton Media Convergence Laboratory, University of Central Florida , USA Title: The Art of Technology and the Future of MR: Integrating an Artistic Approach to Transform the Next Generation of Mixed and Augmented Reality

      ISMAR 2004 - Arlington, Virginia, USA

      ISMAR 2004 - Arlington, Virginia, USA

      The ISMAR 2004 symposium was held in Arlington, Virginia, USA.

      Dates: Nov 02 - Nov 05 2004.

      • Number of Submissions
      • Accepted Conference Papers

      General Chairs
      Mark Billinghurst
      Mark Billinghurst
      Yohan Baillot
      Yohan Baillot
      S&T Program Chairs
      Gudrun Klinker
      Gudrun Klinker
      Jannick Rolland
      Jannick Rolland
      Hiroyuki Yamamoto
      Hiroyuki Yamamoto


      Best Paper Award
      Best Student Paper Award
      Honourable Mention Award


      Alex (Sandy) Pentland Media Lab, MIT, Cambridge, Massachusetts , USA Title: The Transcendent Geek
        Dylan Schmorrow DARPA and the Office of Naval Research , USA Title: Augmenting This..Augmenting That: Maximizing Human Performance

          ISMAR 2003 - Tokyo, Japan

          ISMAR 2003 - Tokyo, Japan

          The ISMAR 2003 symposium was held in Tokyo, Japan.

          Dates: Oct 07 - Oct 10 2003.

          • Number of Submissions
          • Accepted Conference Papers

          General Chairs
          Hideyuki Tamura
          Hideyuki Tamura
          Noakazu Yokoya
          Noakazu Yokoya
          S&T Program Chairs
          Blair MacIntyre
          Blair MacIntyre
          Dieter Schmlastieg
          Dieter Schmlastieg
          Haruro Takemura
          Haruro Takemura


          Best Paper Award
          Best Student Paper Award
          Honourable Mention Award


          Nassir Navab Siemens Corporate Research , Germany Title: Industrial Augmented Reality(IAR): Challenges in Design and Commercialization of Killer Apps
            Katsushi Icheuchi The University of Tokyo , Japan Title: The Great Buddha Project: Modeling Cultural Heritage for VR Systems through Observation

              ISMAR 2002 - Darmstadt, Germany

              ISMAR 2002 - Darmstadt, Germany

              The ISMAR 2002 symposium was held in Darmstadt, Germany.

              Dates: Sep 30 - Oct 01 2002.


                General Chairs
                Didier Stricker
                Didier Stricker Fraunhofer IGD, Germany
                Stefan Müller
                Stefan Müller Universität Koblenz, Germany
                Dieter Schmlastieg
                Dieter Schmlastieg Vienna University of Technology, Austria
                S&T Program Chairs
                Haruo Takemura
                Haruo Takemura Osaka University, Japan
                Ron Azuma
                Ron Azuma HRL Laboratories, USA
                Holger Regenbrecht
                Holger Regenbrecht DaimlerChrysler, Germany


                Best Paper Award
                Best Student Paper Award
                Honourable Mention Award


                Wolfgang Friedrich Siemens , Germany Title: ARVIKA - Augmented Reality for Development, Production and Service
                  Hiroshii Ishii Tangible Media Group, MIT, Cambridge, Massachusetts , USA Title: Tangible Bits: Designing the Seamless Interface between People, Bits, and Atoms

                    ISAR 2001 - New York, USA

                    ISAR 2001 - New York, USA

                    The ISAR 2001 symposium was held in New York, USA.

                    Dates: Oct 29 - Oct 30 2001.


                      General Chairs
                      Nassir Navab
                      Nassir Navab Siemens Corporate Research, USA
                      Steve Feiner
                      Steve Feiner Columbia University, USA
                      S&T Program Chairs
                      Ronald Azuma
                      Ronald Azuma HRL Laboratories, USA
                      Gudrun Klinker
                      Gudrun Klinker Technische Universität München, Germany
                      Hideyuki Tamura
                      Hideyuki Tamura Mixed Reality Systems Laboratory, Japan


                      David Hawkes Guy’s Hospital, King’s College London School of Medicine , UK Title: Microscope Assisted Guided Interventions (MAGI) – An Application of Augmented Reality in Image Guided Surgery
                        Ulrich Neumann University of Southern California , USA Title: AR Out of the Box
                          Henry Fuchs University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill , UK Title: Immersion and Tele-immersion in the Office of the Future
                            Jun Rekimoto Sony Computer Science Laboratories , Japan Title: Living in a Computer Augmented Environment

                              ISMR 2001 - Yokohama, Japan

                              ISMR 2001 - Yokohama, Japan

                              The ISMR 2001 symposium was held in Yokohama, Japan.

                              Dates: Mar 14 - Mar 15 2001.


                                General Chairs
                                Michitaka Hirose
                                Michitaka Hirose
                                S&T Program Chairs
                                Yuichi Ohta
                                Yuichi Ohta
                                Steven Feiner
                                Steven Feiner

                                ISAR 2000 - Munich, Germany

                                ISAR 2000 - Munich, Germany

                                The ISAR 2000 symposium was held in Munich, Germany.

                                Dates: Oct 05 - Oct 06 2000.


                                  General Chairs
                                  Gudrun Klinker
                                  Gudrun Klinker Technische Universität München, Germany
                                  Reinhold Behringer
                                  Reinhold Behringer Rockwell Science Center, USA
                                  S&T Program Chairs
                                  Nassir Navab
                                  Nassir Navab Siemens Corporate Research, USA
                                  David Mizell
                                  David Mizell The Boeing Company, USA


                                  Volker Hartkopf Center for Building Performance and Diagnostics, Carnegie Mellon University , USA Title: AR Applications in Architecture and Construction: Intelligent Buildings
                                    David Mizell The Boeing Company , USA Title: AR Applications at Boeing
                                      Hideyuki Tamura Mixed Reality Systems Laboratory, Yokohama , Japan Title: What Happens at the Border of Real and Virtual Worlds ? the MR Project and Other Research Activities in Japan

                                        IWAR 1999 - San Francisco, California, USA

                                        IWAR 1999 - San Francisco, California, USA

                                        The IWAR 1999 symposium was held in San Francisco, California, USA.

                                        Dates: Oct 20 - Oct 21 1999.


                                          General Chairs
                                          Reinhold Behringer
                                          Reinhold Behringer
                                          David Mizell
                                          David Mizell
                                          S&T Program Chairs
                                          Gudrun Klinker
                                          Gudrun Klinker


                                          Steve Feiner Columbia University , USA Title: The Importance of Being Mobile: Some Social Consequences of Wearable Augmented Reality Systems (Dinner Talk)

                                            ISMR 1999 - Yokohama, Japan

                                            ISMR 1999 - Yokohama, Japan

                                            The ISMR 1999 symposium was held in Yokohama, Japan.

                                            Dates: Mar 09 - Mar 11 1999.


                                              General Chairs
                                              Yuichi Ohta
                                              Yuichi Ohta
                                              Hideyuki Tamura
                                              Hideyuki Tamura
                                              S&T Program Chairs
                                              Michitaka Hirose
                                              Michitaka Hirose
                                              Kosuke Sato
                                              Kosuke Sato

                                              IWAR 1998 - San Francisco, California, USA

                                              IWAR 1998 - San Francisco, California, USA

                                              The IWAR 1998 symposium was held in San Francisco, California, USA.

                                              Dates: Nov 01 - Nov 01 1998.


                                                General Chairs
                                                Reinhold Behringer
                                                Reinhold Behringer
                                                David Mizell
                                                David Mizell
                                                Organizing Committee
                                                Gudrun Klinker
                                                Gudrun Klinker
                                                Reinhold Behringer
                                                Reinhold Behringer