ISAR 2001 - New York, USA
ISAR 2001 - New York, USA
The ISAR 2001 symposium was held in New York, USA.
Dates: Oct 29 - Oct 30 2001.
Conference Website
S&T Proceedings
(IEEE Computer Society Digital Library)
General Chairs
Nassir Navab
Siemens Corporate Research, USA
Steve Feiner
Columbia University, USA
S&T Program Chairs
Ronald Azuma
HRL Laboratories, USA
Gudrun Klinker
Technische Universität München, Germany
Hideyuki Tamura
Mixed Reality Systems Laboratory, Japan
David Hawkes
Guy’s Hospital, King’s College London School of Medicine
, UK
Title: Microscope Assisted Guided Interventions (MAGI) – An Application of Augmented Reality in Image Guided Surgery
Ulrich Neumann
University of Southern California
Title: AR Out of the Box
Henry Fuchs
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
, UK
Title: Immersion and Tele-immersion in the Office of the Future
Jun Rekimoto
Sony Computer Science Laboratories
, Japan
Title: Living in a Computer Augmented Environment