IEEEIEEE computer societyIEEE vgtc

ISMAR 2007 - Nara, Japan

ISMAR 2007 - Nara, Japan

The ISMAR 2007 symposium was held in Nara, Japan.

Dates: Nov 13 - Nov 16 2007.

  • Number of Submissions
  • Accepted Conference Papers

General Chairs
Haruo Takemura
Haruo Takemura
S&T Program Chairs
Hirokazu Kato
Hirokazu Kato
Tom Drummond
Tom Drummond
Mark Livingston
Mark Livingston


Best Paper Award Parallel Tracking and Mapping for Small AR Workspaces Recipients: Georg Klein and David Murray
Best Student Paper Award Interactive Focus and Context Visualization for Augmented Reality Recipients: Denis Kalkofen, Erick Mendez, and Dieter Schmalstieg
Honourable Mention Award An Evaluation of Graphical Context as a Means for Ameliorating the Effects of Registration Error Recipients: Cindy M. Robertson and Blair MacIntyre


Dieter Schmalstieg Graz University of Technology, Graz , Austria Title: Upscaling and Downscaling Augmented Reality
    Seiki Inoue NHK Science & Technical Research Laboratories , Japan Title: Mixed and Augmented Reality in Broadcasting
      Mark Billinghurst HIT Lab NZ, University of Canterbury, Christchurch , New Zealand Title: Where's the Reality in Augmented Reality? (Dinner Talk)