ISMAR 2009 - Orlando, Florida, USA
ISMAR 2009 - Orlando, Florida, USA
The ISMAR 2009 symposium was held in Orlando, Florida, USA.
Dates: Oct 19 - Oct 22 2009.
S&T Proceedings
(IEEE Computer Society Digital Library)
AMH Proceedings
Number of Submissions
Accepted Conference Papers
General Chairs

Jannick Rolland

Chris Stapleton
S&T Program Chairs

Hideo Saito

Gudrun Klinker

Tobias Hoellerer
AMH Program Chairs

Raphael Grasset

Jay Bolter

Jarrell Pair
Best Paper Award
Evaluating the benefits of augmented reality for task localization in maintenance of an armored personnel carrier turret
Recipients: Steven Henderson and Steven Feiner
Best Student Paper Award
Shape recognition and pose estimation for mobile augmented reality
Recipients: Nate Hagbi, Oriel Bergig, Jihad El-Sana, and Mark Billinghurst
Honourable Mention Award
Using AR to support cross-organisational collaboration in dynamic tasks
Recipients: Susanna Nilsson, Björn Johansson, and Arne Jönsson
Tracking Contest Winner
Mark Mine
Technical Concept Design, Disney Imagineering
Title: Mixing reality and magic at Disney theme parks
Natasha Tsakos
Title: UPWAKE: Art performance fusing dreams and technology
Pattie Maes
Media Lab, MIT, Cambridge, MA
Title: SixthSense: Integrating information and the real world