ISMAR 2010 - Seoul, Korea
ISMAR 2010 - Seoul, Korea
The ISMAR 2010 symposium was held in Seoul, Korea.
Dates: Oct 13 - Oct 16 2010.
Conference Website
S&T Proceedings
AMH Proceedings
Number of Submissions
Accepted Conference Papers
General Chairs

Gerry Kim

Heedong Ko
S&T Program Chairs

Tobias Hollerer

Vincent Lepetit

Jun Park
AMH Program Chairs

Raphael Grasset

Soh Yeong Roh

Julian Stadon
Best S&T Paper Award
Differential Instant Radiosity for Mixed Reality
Recipients: Martin Knecht, Christoph Traxler, Oliver Mattausch, Werner Purgathofer, and Michael Wimmer
Best S&T Student Paper Award
Build Your World and Play In It: Interacting with Surface Particles on Complex Objects
Recipients: Brett Jones, Rajinder Sodhi, Roy Campbell, Guy Garnett, and Brian Bailey
Best Poster Award
Light-Weight Marker Hiding for Augmented Reality
Recipient: Otto Korkalo, Miika Aittala, Sanni Siltanen
Best Demo Award
A Web Service Platform Dedicated to Building Mixed Reality Solutions
Recipient: Petros Belimpasakis, Petri Selonen, Yu You
Tracking Contest Winner
Henry Fuchs
Department of Computer Science, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Title: Augmenting Reality for Medecine, Training, Presence and Telepresence
Boris Debackere
V2, Rotterdam
, The Netherlands
Title: Augmented Dreams