ISMAR 2011 - Basel, Switzerland
ISMAR 2011 - Basel, Switzerland
The ISMAR 2011 symposium was held in Basel, Switzerland.
Dates: Oct 26 - Oct 29 2011.
Conference Website
S&T Proceedings
(IEEE Computer Society Digital Library)
AMH Proceedings
(IEEE Computer Society Digital Library)
Number of Submissions
Accepted Conference Papers
General Chairs

Martin Wiedmer

Vincent Lepetit
S&T Program Chairs

Jun Park

Gerhard Reitmayr

Greg Welch
AMH Program Chairs

Raphael Grasset

Jan-Lewe Torpus

Mark Podlaseck
Best S&T Paper Award
KinectFusion: Real-Time Dense Surface Mapping and Trackin
Recipient: Richard A. Newcombe, Shahram Izadi, Otmar Hilliges, David Molyneaux, David Kim, Andrew J. Davison, Pushmeet Kohli, Jamie Shotton, Steve Hodges, Andrew Fitzgibbon
Best S&T Student Paper Award
Interactive Visualization Technique for Truthful Color Reproduction in Spatial Augmented Reality Applications
Recipient: Christoffer Menk, Reinhard Koch
Best S&T Student Paper Award
Augmented Reality in the Psychomotor Phase of a Procedural Task
Recipient: Steven J. Henderson, Steven K. Feiner
Best AMH Paper Award
Pre-Patterns for Designing Embodied Interactions in Handheld Augmented Reality Games
Recipient: Yan Xu, Evan Barba, Iulian Radu, Maribeth Gandy, Richard Shemaka, Brian Schrank, Tony Tseng, Blair MacIntyre
Best Poster Award
Virtual Transparency: Introducing Parallax View into Video See-through AR
Recipient: Alex Hill, Jacob Schiefer, Jeff Wilson, Brian Davidson, Maribeth Gandy, Blair MacIntyre
Best Demo Award
BurnAR: Feel the Heat
Recipient: Matt Swoboda, Thanh Nguyen, Ulrich Eck, Gerhard Reitmayr, Stefan Hauswiesner, Rene Ranftl, Christian Sandor
Tracking Contest Winner
Recipient(s): Metaio GmbH, Germany Thomas Olszamowski
Video Contest Winner
Simple as Drinking Water
Recipient(s): Amir Baradaran
Video Contest Runner Up
AR Visor Concept - Medley
Recipient(s): Mattias Wozniak, Björn Svensson, Klas Hermodsson
Oliver Grau
Donau-Universität Krems, Krems
, Austria
Title: Will We Ever Become Used To Immersion? Art History and Image Science
Mark Bolas
Institue for Creative Technologies, University of Southern California, Los Angeles
Title: Surface/Space
Adrian David Cheok
Mixed Reality Lab, National University of Singapore
, Singapore
Title: Multi Modal Sensory Human Communication in the Internet Society