ISMAR 2012 - Atlanta, Georgia, USA
ISMAR 2012 - Atlanta, Georgia, USA
The ISMAR 2012 symposium was held in Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
Dates: Nov 05 - Nov 08 2012.
Conference Website
S&T Proceedings
(IEEE Computer Society Digital Library)
AMH Proceedings
(IEEE Computer Society Digital Library)
Number of Submissions
Accepted Conference Papers
General Chairs

Blair MacIntyre

Greg Welch
S&T Program Chairs

Gerhard Reitmayr

Maribeth Gandy

Kiyoshi Kiyokawa
AMH Program Chairs

Sean White

Jay Bolter

Henry Duh
10 Years Lasting Impact Award
Marker Tracking and HMD Calibration for a Video-Based Augmented Reality Conferencing System
Recipient: Hirokazu Kato, Mark Billinghurst
Best Paper Award
Live Tracking and Mapping From Both General and Rotation-Only Camera Motion
Recipient: Steffen Gauglitz, Chris Sweeney, Jonathan Ventura, Matthew Turk, Tobias Hollerer
Best Paper Runner Up Award
Kinectrack: Agile 6-DoF Tracking Using a Projected Dot Pattern
Recipient: Paul Mcilroy, Shahram Izadi, Andrew Fitzgibbon
Best Poster Award
Interface Design for an Inexpensive Hands-Free Collaborative Videoconferencing System
Recipient: Nicolas H. Lehment, Katharina Erhardt, Gerhard Rigoll
Best Poster Runner Up Award
Toward a Practical Wall See-Through System for Drivers: How Simple Can It Be?
Recipient: Yan Xu, Evan Barba, Iulian Radu, Maribeth Gandy, Richard Shemaka, Brian Schrank, Tony Tseng, Blair MacIntyre
Best Poster Runner Up Award
ClonAR: Rapid Redesign of Real-World Objects
Recipient: Michael Csongei, Liem Hoang, Ulrich Eck, Christian Sandor
Best Demo Award
The augmented painting
Recipient: Wim van Eck, Yolande Kolstee
Tracking Contest Winner
Recipient(s): Fraunhofer IGD, Germany
Perry Hoberman
School of Cinematic Arts, University of Southern California, Los Angeles
Title: Portable Reality: Expanding Available Space
Shahram Izadi
Microsoft Research Cambridge
, UK
Title: A New Era of Human Computer Interaction