ISMAR 2013 - Adelaide, Australia
ISMAR 2013 - Adelaide, Australia
The ISMAR 2013 symposium was held in Adelaide, Australia.
Dates: Oct 01 - Oct 04 2013.
Conference Website
S&T Proceedings
(IEEE Computer Society Digital Library)
AMH Proceedings
(IEEE Computer Society Digital Library)
Number of Submissions
Accepted Conference Papers
General Chairs

Mark Billinghurst

Bruce Thomas
S&T Program Chairs

Maribeth Gandy

Simon Julier

Kiyoshi Kiyokawa
AMH Program Chairs

Jay Bolter

Henry Duh

Maria Engberg
10 Years Lasting Impact Award
Markerless Tracking using Planar Structures in the Scene
Recipients: Simon Gilles, Andrew W. Fitzgibbon, and Andrew Zisserman
Best Paper Award
Augmented Reality Binoculars
Recipients: Taragay Oskiper, Mikhail Sizintsev, Vlad Branzoi, Supun Samarasekera, and Rakesh Kumar
Best Paper Runner Up Award
Through the Looking Glass: Pretend Play for Children with Autism
Recipients: Zhen Bai, Alan Blackwell, and George Coulouris
Best Paper Runner Up Award
Image-guided Simulation of Heterogeneous Tissue Deformation For Augmented Reality during Hepatic Surgery
Recipients: Nazim Haouchine, Jeremie Dequidt, Igor Peterlik, Erwan Kerrien, Marie-Odile Berger, and Stephane Cotin
Best Poster Award
An Outdoor Ground Truth Evaluation Dataset for Sensor-Aided Visual Handheld Camera Localization
Recipients: Daniel Kurz, Peter Georg Meier, Alexander Plopski, and Gudrun Klinker
Best Poster Runner Up Award
Diminished Reality Considering Background Structures
Recipients: Norihiko Kawai, Tomokazu Sato, and Naokazu Yokoya
Best Poster Runner Up Award
Anatomy Learning: Interactive Improvement of Kinect Skeleton Detection for Augmented Reality
Recipients: Meng Ma, Pascal Fallavollita, Tobias Blum, Ulrich Eck, Christian Sandor, Simon Weidert, Jens Waschke, and Nassir Navab
Best Demo Award - Technical Achievement
Mobile Augmented Reality - Tracking and Mapping
Recipient: Qualcomm Research
Best Demo Award - User Experience
Recipients: Brian Mullins, Gaia Dempsey, Andrew Krage, Rajay Kumar, and Greg Khachaturyan
Ivan Poupyrev
Interaction Group, Disney Research, Pittsburgh
Title: Not Just Augmentation: How to Re-Make the World?
Jun Rekimoto
Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies, The University of Tokyo
, Japan
Title: From Augmented Reality to Augmented Human