ISMAR 2014 - Munich, Germany
ISMAR 2014 - Munich, Germany
The ISMAR 2014 symposium was held in Munich, Germany.
Dates: Sep 10 - Sep 12 2014.
Conference Website
S&T Proceedings
(IEEE Computer Society Digital Library)
AMH Proceedings
(IEEE Computer Society Digital Library)
Number of Submissions
Accepted Conference Papers
General Chairs

Gudrun Klinker

Nassir Navab
S&T Program Chairs

Simon Julier

Robert W. Lindeman

Christian Sandor
AMH Program Chairs

Henry Duh

Julian Stadon

Christopher Stapleton
10 Years Lasting Impact Award
Recipient: Gudrun Klinker
in recognition of important contributions and the impact of the IWAR/ISAR/ISMAR publications between 1998 and 2004 (esp. for Fata Morgana - A Presentation System for Product Design, ISMAR 2002 and for Augmented Maintenance of Powerplants: A Prototyping Case Study of a Mobile AR System, ISAR 2001)
in recognition of important contributions and the impact of the IWAR/ISAR/ISMAR publications between 1998 and 2004 (esp. for Fata Morgana - A Presentation System for Product Design, ISMAR 2002 and for Augmented Maintenance of Powerplants: A Prototyping Case Study of a Mobile AR System, ISAR 2001)
Best Long Paper Award
Interactive Near-Field Illumination for Photorealistic Augmented Reality on Mobile Devices
Recipients: Kai Rohmer, Wolfgang Büschel, Raimund Dachselt, and Thorsten Grosch
Best Short Paper Award
Semi-Dense Visual Odometry for AR on a Smartphone
Recipients: Thomas Schöps, Jakob Engel, and Daniel Cremers
Best Poster Award
Utilizing Contact-view as an Augmented Reality Authoring Method for Printed Document Annotation
Recipients: Klen Čopič Pucihar and Paul Coulton
Best Poster Runner Up Award
Non-Parametric Camera-based Calibration of Optical See-Through Glasses for Augmented Reality Applications
Recipients: Martin Klemm, Harald Hoppe, and Fabian Seebacher
Best Demo Award
3D Object Selection and Reconstruction with RGBD Sensor and Scene Understanding
Recipients: Daniel Wagner, Gerhard Reitmayr, Alessandro Mulloni, Erick Mendez, and Serafin Diaz
Takeo Kanade
Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh
Title: Smart Headlight: A new active augmented reality that improves how the reality appears to a human
Terry Peters
Imaging Research Laboratories at the Robarts Research Institute (RRI), London
, Canada
Title: The Role of Augmented Reality Displays for Guiding Intra-cardiac Interventions
Tom Furness
University of Washington, Seattle
Title: Seeing Anew: Paradigm Shifting across the Virtuality Continuum